Eye Level Richmond Learning Center is located in the President Square of Richmond’s central area, making it conveniently accessible. The shopping mall provides ample free parking spaces, and the environment here is quiet and enclosed, allowing students to safely and attentively focus on their studies. Richmond Learning Center is currently the only Eye Level learning center in Richmond. Our team consists of professional educators with a background in education. Under the mature educational system of Eye Level, we are able to implement our teaching philosophy, nurturing children to become confident and independent learners who truly enjoy learning. They will also acquire a solid knowledge framework, laying a foundation for unlimited success in the future.

Eye Level Richmond學習中心,位於Richmond中心地區的統一廣場,地理位置相當便利,商場中有充足的免費停車位置,這裡環境安靜封閉,學生可以在這裡安全專注地投入到學習當中。Richmond學習中心是Richmond現時唯一的Eye Level學習中心,我們由專業的有教育背景的團隊組成,在Eye Level成熟的教育體繫之下,我們可以貫徹我們的教學理唸,將孩子培養成爲自信、自主的學習者,真正從學習中得到樂趣,並掌握堅實的知識架構,從而爲將來無限的成功打下基礎。

在Eye Level Richmond學習中心,我們獨家提供國、粵、英語的服務和教學,充分滿足我們和孩子、家長的緊密溝通。

