Eye level Learning Centers offer Math and English programs focused on developing each child’s critical thinking and analytical skills. Eye Level is based on an educational philosophy in which students learn at their own pace. Each student receives an individualized program based on his or her ability, independent of age and grade. Through a small-step approach, students master foundational skills before advancing to complex topics, leading to increased increased interest and understanding of more challenging content. Eye Level’s programs nurture self -directed learners who take initiative, form goals, and identify solutions – empowering them to take ownership of their learning.

Eye Level學習中心提供以髮展每個孩子的批判性思維和分析能力爲重點的數學和英語課程。Eye Level基於一種教育理唸,即學生按照自己的節奏學習。每個學生根據自己的能力接受個性化的課程,與年齡和年級無關。通過小步驟的方法,學生在進入複雜的主題之前掌握基礎技能,從而增加對更具挑戰性內容的興趣和理解。Eye Level的課程培養自主學習者,他們主動學習,製定目標,並找到解決方案,使他們能夠主導自己的學習。


